Oil Change at home in Charlotte, NC

Oil change in Charlotte

There are many different motor oils and your vehicle manufacturer would specify which type should be used on your vehicle, even oils used on diesel or gasoline vehicles use a different type of oil. But when it is time for an oil change, it is the same for any car, regardless of the type, makes or model.​

When you go for an oil change, the technician will:

  • Change the vehicle motor oil and used the recommended type of oil as a replacement.
  • Replace and dispose of properly the vehicles used oil filter.
  • Inspect all other filters (cabin filter, air filter etc.)
  • Top up other important fluids.

​This may seem simple but, engine oil plays a crucial role in the running of the engine and if this one element is ignored you can find yourself with many more engine problems later.

Why oil is important?

Engine oil has a limited lifespan, over time it starts to get worn down and can become full of microscopic contaminants.

Why oil breaks down?

Oil is less effective over time, with continual exposure to heat, moisture, and air, the oil will become thick and sludge-like, this can no longer be pumped around the internal components of your engine and will cause wear.

Oil change Charlotte

What parts are used in pumping oil around the engine?

Oil Pan – This is where the oil waits before it sets off on its journey around the engine

Oil Pump – This is one crucial component for the whole lubrication of the engine, the oil pump creates the pressure which pushes oil around all the moving parts.  If this fails, the oil doesn’t move and what oil is in the engine will soon overheat and not lubricate the engine

Oil filter – This captures any harmful deposits and tiny metal pieces that have found their way into the oil system.

How to check your oil yourself.

  1. Park the car in a level area. If you park on an uneven surface this will give wrong results
  2. Wait a while until your engine has cooled down and settled in the engine
  3. Is your engine very cool or cold? If it isn’t, wait longer, over filling with oil can cause as much damage as not enough.
  4. Remove the dipstick and wipe it on old cloth or paper towel, and push it back into place.
  5. Again, remove the dipstick, and hold it in a horizontal position, now check the oil mark against the dipstick (all dipsticks have both minimum and maximum safe oil filling level marks).
  6. How clear does your oil look? If it is white and creamy, you have moisture in the engine and should be changed as quickly as possible, it can be a sign of other problems also
  7. Add any oil as required, unscrew the oil filler cap, this is located at the top of the engine while normally having the words ‘Engine Oil.’
  8. After a few minutes recheck your oil level against your dipstick to check you have added a correct amount of oil.
  9. Screw on ‘Engine Oil’ cap to make sure you have fastened it tightly.

Schedule your oil change. If you find that the oil level was low, when was the last time since your previous oil change or top up?

It is recommended to change your oil and oil filter every 3000 miles to keep your engine running at peak performance.

Give us a call and let us save you time and get your oil changed while you wait at home.

Next: Radiator Repair

“Can’t believe the time I save by having the oil changed at my home! Won’t ever be going back to waiting hours at a shop”

– Randell Murry